Assurance for Delivery

News Item

Review of the Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA) risk framework – consultative document

A Review of the Credit Valuation Adjustment Risk Framework is being undertaken by the Basel Committee. The objectives of the review are to (i) ensure that all important drivers of credit valuation adjustment (CVA) risk and CVA hedges are covered in the Basel regulatory capital standard; (ii) align the capital standard with the fair value measurement of CVA employed under various accounting regimes; and (iii) ensure consistency with the proposed revisions to the market risk framework under the Basel Committee’s Fundamental review of the trading book. The Basel III capital framework already establishes a minimum capital charge to capture the potential mark-to-market losses faced by a bank from the deterioration in a counterparty’s creditworthiness. This capital treatment addresses any variability in CVA that arises due to changes in credit spreads but does not take account of variability arising from daily changes in market risk factors (ie account exposure variability). This consultative paper envisages a CVA risk framework that takes into account the market risk exposure component of CVA along with its associated hedges. The regulatory capital requirement for CVA risk would be based on exposure models that banks also use to determine their accounting CVA, subject to conditions intended to reduce potential variability due to risk-weighted asset (RWA) calculations or remaining discrepancies in financial reporting practices across banks and jurisdictions. For a broad range of internationally active banks, accounting CVA is fair-valued through the profit and loss (P&L) account and is sensitive to the same risk factors as instruments held in the trading book. The consultative paper therefore proposes an internal models approach and a standardised approach for CVA risk that have been adapted from the revised market risk framework under the Committee’s Fundamental review of the trading book. A basic approach for CVA risk is also proposed for banks that are less likely to regularly compute CVA sensitivities to a large set of market risk factors, owing to the nature of their trading operations. The consultation document can be found here.

Review of the Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA) risk framework – consultative document Weiterlesen »

Basel Committee consults on interest rate risk in the banking book

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has issued in June 2105 a consultative document on the risk management, capital treatment and supervision of interest rate risk in the banking book (IRRBB). This consultative document expands upon and is intended to ultimately replace the Basel Committee’s 2004 Principles for the management and supervision of interest rate risk. The Committee’s review of the regulatory treatment of interest rate risk in the banking book is motivated by two objectives: First, to help ensure that banks have appropriate capital to cover potential losses from exposures to changes in interest rates. This is particularly important in the light of the current exceptionally low interest rate environment in many jurisdictions. Second, to limit capital arbitrage between the trading book and the banking book, as well as between banking book portfolios that are subject to different accounting treatments. The Committee is seeking comments on the proposed approaches, which share a number of common features. The full report can be found here.

Basel Committee consults on interest rate risk in the banking book Weiterlesen »

EBA publishes results of the Basel III monitoring exercise

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its eight report of the Basel III monitoring exercise on the European banking system. This exercise, run in parallel with the one conducted by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) at a global level, allows the gathering of aggregate results on capital ratios and leverage ratio (LR), as well as on liquidity ratios – liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) and net stable funding ratio (NSFR) – for banks in the European Union (EU).  

EBA publishes results of the Basel III monitoring exercise Weiterlesen »
