Assurance for Delivery

Company Events

PM Competence OUR CONSULTANTS HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU! In our new video, we continue to uncover the keys to success in project management. Learn essential strategies for conducting detailed project assessments to rescue programs and ensure stakeholder engagement.  Don’t miss out! Watch now and reach out to FiSer for more tips on effective project management.

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MBTI Workshop

Last week, we brought the MBTI workshop to our incredible team, uncovering the power of self-awareness, enhancing communication, and fortifying teamwork. It’s incredible how we could delve into the nuances of personality types, fostering a workplace where each individual thrives.Together, we can embrace growth, strengthen connections, and propel our success. A sincere thank you to our MBTI workshop trainer Eileen Koenraad-Montanus for guiding us on a journey of self-discovery and fostering greater understanding within our team!

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2024 Sustainability Outlook Don’t miss this 2-minute video with our Senior Consultant, Camila. She’ll guide you through key sustainability trends for 2024, highlighting the challenges and opportunities the European financial sector faces. If you haven’t checked our ‘2024 Sustainability Outlook’ publication, find it here: and dive deep into Net-Zero Intermediate Targets, Scope 3 Financed Emissions, the Rise of Responsible Investments, and the ‘Year of ESG Compliance.’ Ready to navigate the future of sustainability? Reach out to us for insights and guidance!

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Contribution to the ‘’Stoelenproject’’

We are delighted to share the news that along with FiSer’s clients and associates, we have made a meaningful contribution to the ‘’Stoelenproject’’ initiative in Amsterdam. A warm thank you to the people who dedicated their FiSer Christmas gift to this cause, as the evening and night shelter relies on everyone’s support to get through the winter. United, our collective potential becomes boundless!

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What Happens at FiSer’s Internal Meetings? In the spirited internal meetings at FiSer Consulting, the team recently took a retrospective glance at the achievements and milestones of 2023. Each member shared their valuable insights and contributions that propelled the company forward. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, the team harnessed this collective energy to lay the groundwork for an ambitious roadmap in 2024. Passionate discussions echoed throughout the meeting room as innovative ideas were exchanged and plans were meticulously crafted. FiSer Consulting team envisioned new heights and breakthroughs on the horizon and collectively pledged to bring even more vigor and dedication to their projects in the upcoming year. The stage is set for a year of unparalleled growth, fueled by the dynamic synergy of a team determined to exceed expectations and make a lasting impact.

What Happens at FiSer’s Internal Meetings? Weiterlesen »

Bringing the FD Gazelle Award 2023 Home

Happy to share that our consultants, Penpisut and Roos, have brought home the prestigious FD Gazelle Award for 2023, which counts for our 5th consecutive award! A huge thank you goes to FiSer’s team whose commitment to delivering top-notch consulting services has truly set a benchmark for excellence. It’s not just about winning awards; it’s about the passion and drive that each one brings to every project, inspiring each other to strive for greatness.

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FiSer Cooking at Het Stoelenproject We are thrilled to share a heartwarming initiative undertaken by the incredible FiSer Consulting Team! In the months of October and November, our team came together in two batches to prepare and serve wholesome meals for 50 homeless individuals at the Homeless Shelter Chair Project, “Het Stoelenproject.” Cooking with a purpose, our teams embraced the opportunity to give back to the community and found immense joy in contributing to the well-being of those in need, reinforcing the idea that even small acts of kindness can make a significant difference. The experience went beyond the kitchen, fostering teamwork and a deep sense of fulfillment among our members and on top of it serving humanity. As we diced, chopped, and stirred, we not only nourished bodies but also lifted spirits. It was more than just a meal; it was a shared moment of warmth and compassion. In times when many face hardships, being able to extend a helping hand and offer a comforting meal is a powerful reminder of the strength that lies in unity. A huge thank you to the Het Stoelenproject for giving us this opportunity to connect with our community in such a meaningful way. We look forward to more opportunities to give back and create positive change together. Let’s continue to inspire and support each other, both in and out of the workplace. Together, we can make a difference.

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